Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 890 Oval Drive 3114 Engineering Building II Raleigh, NC 27606. 919.515.2336. Professor Jason Anderson holds an FPGA board with the LegUp team behind him. Left to right, Zhi Li (CompE 1T3), Omar Ragheb (CompE MEng 1T8), Professor Jason Anderson (ECE), Dr. Jongsok Choi (CompE MASc 1T2, PhD 1T6), Dr. Andrew Canis (CompE PhD 1T5), and Ruolong Lian (CompE 1T3, MASc 1T6) are making it easier for software developers to leverage servers based on FPGAs. ECE 101: Revealing symmetry breaking orders in spin orbit coupled correlated electron systems using optical techniques Abstract: Liuyan Zhao University of Michigan: Oct 20, 2017 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm ECE 101: Radar: Dr. Kyle Gallagher Army Research Lab: Oct 13, 2017 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm ECE 101: Detection: Dr. Adrienne Raglin Army Research Lab: Oct.